Friday, December 19, 2008

As Scott Boras' World Turns

Well, this has been quite a night.  This is how fast contract negotiations can change.  I was on an emotional high trying to picture Mark Teixeira in a Red Sox uniform for the next 8 years.  Channel 5(Boston) sports reporter Mike Lynch breaks the story that John Henry, Theo Epstein, and Larry Lucchino were flying to Texas to conduct face-to-face negotiations with Teixeira and agent/villian Scott Boras.  I mean, when you hear that wouldn't you theorize that if things were that close then a deal MUST be close.  

As I kept refreshed my browser on SoSH and Google news every 20 seconds(or so it seemed), every moment got more and more anxious.  How much was Teixeira going to sign for?  How good would he look in a Sox uniform and would he bat 3rd?  Would this have an affect on how the front office would fill out the remaining roster spots?  But, not much was going through my mind other than: We are about to sign the cornerstone of the franchise for the next 8 years.  There were reports that other teams were offering more money, but Teixeira must really want to come to a winning organization and be close to his family in Maryland.  I was also gushing about an infield of Kevin Youkilis, Jed Lowrie, MVPedoria, and Teixeira for the foreseeable future.

Oh but how things change.......

Adam Kilgore of posts at 10:46 PM EST

"We met with Mr. Teixeira and were very much impressed with him.  After hearing about his other offers, however, it seems clear that we are not going to be much of a factor"

How crushed was I after reading this?  Probably about as much as Game 7 of last year's ALCS.   This is how I think the events of the evening turned out:

Henry: "Scott, we are willing to go above our initial offer of 8 years/$160 and are even willing to come down to meet Mark at his home, meet his family, and sell them on the merits of playing for the Boston Red Sox.  After hearing what we have to say, I believe he will want to be a part of the organization.

Boras: "Sure, I can do that.  I can meet you in Texas this evening.

Boras: "Brian, this is Scott Boras.  I have a meeting with the Red Sox brass tonight and I am confident a deal will be done by the end of the meeting.  This is your last chance to get in the fold.(hangs up).  Tony(Reagins, GM of the LA Angels), this is Scott.  The Red Sox are coming down to meet with Mark and I am confident a deal will be done tonight.  This is your last chance to improve your offer.

(Henry and the crew finish their sales pitch)

Henry: "Mark, here is our last offer.  We believe you will be the cornerstone of our franchise for the next 8 years.  We are willing to go to $23 million AAV as we believe you are worth it.

Boras: "Thanks for coming down, but I have two offers on the table that are higher than what you are offering.  Can you go to $25 AAV?"

Henry: "Scott, I just went $25 million more than I originally offered.  I can't go any higher than that so good luck to you Mark."

This is how fast negotiations can turn.  Is this just a negotiating ploy or are the Red Sox out as fast as they were seemingly all-in?  Stay tuned to Carpenter's Corner for more of the hit show: "As Scott Boras' World Turns"

Edit: 1:08 AM
Gordon Edes of Yahoo Sports has some comments from Boras: "The Boston ownership was kind enough to request and travel to meet with Mark Teixeira.  While it was a very positive meeting, Mark was candid and advised he is in the process of making a decision and is now attempting to eliminate some teams."

Might there be some light?  

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